My Finance Tracker
⚡️Minimal customizable template to manage your income, expenses, investments, savings etc. in a single place ⚡️
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Template Description
Why did I create this template?
I had a finance tracker which helped me track my income and expenses but not my investments. The table was hardcoded (into Income/Expense) so I could not simply extend it to include Investments.
And since I could not put Investments under Income nor under Expense I created this Tracker where you can add any Finance Type you'd like to track.
e.g you can add a finance type called Savings and track all your savings under this. You can add Category like Bank Savings, Recurring deposit etc and track all your Savings under this finance type.
What's inside the template?
There are 2 Stats shown at the top of the template:
1. A Finance Type stats showing you your total money in the current month. The view can be toggled to show total in the current year and month wise stats.
2. Similarly, the Category table shows category wise total in the current month, current year and month wise stats.
The Current Month Finances are shown in the Entry table. This is where you make your financial entries.
A list of categories are provided in the Category table with the flexibility to enter more categories as needed.
How to use the template?
- Start by deleting the entries in the Entry table (as it is dummy data)
- Add / remove category as needed
- Enter your first financial entry by going through the instructions mentioned under Entry table.
- See your stats (at the top of the template) update as you add more entries.
What are the benefits of the template?
The main benefit is the ability to customise and add any financial type you want to track and manage in a single place.
The current month summary shows you how your finances are doing.
The category wise stats shows your amount under each category and helps you manage your finances better.
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