HR Suite for Startup
Collection of more than 10 templates to aid HR Team Management for a small startup
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Template Description
HR Suite for Startups
Templates to automate, improve HR efficiency, employee engagement & create happier work places.
The Problem
Small organizations often struggle with a unified portal for management of employee information, leave portal, approval system and other facets of Human Resource Management.
The HR Suite is a collection of templates to solve the complete need for a startup ecosystem. It has following platforms which work for driving the organization through a unified HR portal
- About Company
This template lists the policy announcements and the front page of the organization. All the latest announcements, vision, mission and other information which acts as the face of the organization is listed here
- Employee Information
This template has various tools that help to keep a track of employee lifecycle.
a) Task and Timesheet : Various employees tasks, progress and other details like login time, login hours can be tracked through this template
b) Leave Tracker: Records and tracks the leaves by employees to manage the resource availability
c) Employee Database: Records the employee information
- Team Development
The team development portal has various templates that help in the overall career development of the employees and helps in team building
a) Kudos Platform: This is the platform where the employees appreciate the good efforts which helps in team building
b) Events: Upcoming events like fun fridays, birthday celebration are collated in this section.
c) Career Trajectory: Valuable inputs regarding the growth of the employee career is organized here
d) Hiring: The resources that need to be hired for a particular role, the kind of skills required, interview dates and other related functions are organized in this template
e) Feedback Board: Feedback about a general problem, any acts of misdemeanor etc. can be recorded here
In a nutshell..
The HR Suite template is a considerable option for a small organization to manage the Human Resources and further boost the productivity of the team.
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